Business Management Case Study-7

 Home Décor(HD) is a private limited company  that sells garden furniture. The company owns 10 stores nationwide. Five members of David’s family own all the shares. Home Decor has a very good reputation for quality and service and is highly profitable. HD’s objective is to grow and increase its national market share by 12% in the coming two years. The market for garden furniture is growing but competition is intensifying. The task of Ray (the Finance Director) is to decide which growth path the company should take. Two growth options are currently being considered:

·       Set up a franchising operation that would allow 10 new stores to be opened each year for the next five years.

·       “go public.” This would mean a float of 49 % of the company on the stock market. This should raise $10 million to fund five new stores a year for the next five years.

Despite being profitable, HD lacks sufficient internal capital to finance the desired growth


a)     Define a private limited company [2 marks]

b)    Identify and explain the importance of setting objectives in managing an organization like Home Décor [4 marks]

c)     Identify and explain two internal economies of scale for HD if they expand the store [ 4 marks]

d)    Evaluate the two growth options being considered by HD and recommend which of them is most suitable for the company [ 10 marks] 

Suggested answers

Define a private limited company  [2 marks]

A private limited company (Ltd) is a business entity where ownership is divided into shares, which are privately held and not available for public trading. Shareholders have limited liability, meaning their personal assets are protected, and they are only liable for the amount they have invested in the company

Identify and explain the importance of setting objectives in managing an organization like Home Décor [4 marks]

Setting clear objectives is crucial for managing an organization like Home Décor (HD), as it provides a foundation for decision-making and growth. Here are two key reasons why setting objectives is important:

 Guides Strategic Direction: Objectives offer a clear roadmap for where the company wants to go and how it plans to get there. For HD, its objective to grow and increase national market share by 12% over the next two years provides a specific target for the company’s expansion efforts. This focus helps management make decisions about which growth strategy—such as franchising or going public—aligns best with the company's long-term goals.

 Measures Performance and Accountability: Objectives serve as benchmarks to measure progress. For HD, tracking whether the company achieves the 12% market share growth will indicate whether the chosen strategies are successful. Additionally, having clear objectives allows for better performance monitoring and accountability, ensuring that each department, such as Finance or Marketing, contributes effectively toward achieving the set goals.

These objectives help HD navigate competitive market conditions, enabling it to stay focused on sustainable growth.

Identify and explain two internal economies of scale for HD if they expand the store [ 4 marks]

Two internal economies of scale that Home Décor (HD) could benefit from if they expand their stores are:

Purchasing Economies: As HD expands and opens more stores, it can purchase garden furniture and other materials in bulk from suppliers. This larger volume allows them to negotiate better discounts and lower prices per unit, reducing overall costs and improving profitability.

However, as HD expands, managing multiple stores across various locations may become challenging, risking inefficiencies and inconsistent service quality.

Managerial Economies: With expansion, HD can afford to hire specialized managers for different areas of the business, such as marketing, operations, and finance. These skilled professionals can increase efficiency, streamline processes, and make better decisions, enhancing overall operational effectiveness.

However, expansion requires significant capital, and if sales don’t grow as expected or competition intensifies, HD could face financial strain despite potential economies of scale.

Evaluate the two growth options being considered by HD and recommend which of them is most suitable for the company                       [ 10 marks]


The stimulus presents decision-making dilemma for Home Décor (HD), a private limited company, with the challenge of deciding between two different growth strategies ( internal a Vs external) The Finance Director, Ray, must decide between franchising, which offers rapid growth with lower capital, or going public to raise $10 million, which provides funding but introduces shareholder influence and regulatory demands.

Each option has its own set of benefits/opportunities and risks/challenges that will affect the company’s ability to meet its objective of increasing market share by 12% over the next two years. The opportunities and challenges of each option are discussed and evaluated below:

Option 1: Setting up a Franchising Operation ( external growth)

Faster Expansion: Franchising allows for rapid expansion since individual franchisees invest their capital to open new stores. This can help HD achieve its objective of increasing market share by opening 10 new stores each year for the next five years.

Reduced Financial Burden: Franchisees bear the initial investment costs and ongoing operational expenses of their stores, easing the financial burden on HD's internal capital.

However, the challenges are:

Control and Consistency: Maintaining consistent quality and customer experience across franchise locations can be challenging. HD needs to establish strict operating standards and ensure effective franchisee training and support.

Brand Reputation: HD's reputation is tied to the performance of its franchisees. Any negative experiences or subpar service at a franchise location could impact the overall brand image.

 Option 2: Going Public - IPO ( internal growth)

Capital Infusion: Going public can raise a substantial amount of capital, as indicated by the target of raising $10 million. This funding can be used to finance the opening of new stores and support HD's expansion plans.

Prestige and Visibility: A successful IPO can increase HD's visibility, brand recognition, and reputation, potentially attracting more customers and business opportunities


Loss of Control: Going public means HD will have to answer to public shareholders, which may result in increased scrutiny and pressure to meet short-term financial targets.

Regulatory Compliance: As a publicly traded company, HD will need to comply with various regulations and reporting requirements, incurring additional costs.

Shareholder Expectations: Public shareholders may prioritize short-term profitability, potentially impacting HD's ability to focus on long-term growth and quality.

Hence, considering HD's objectives, the competitive market for garden furniture, and its financial situation, the franchising option seems more suitable for the company. Because,  it allows HD to expand quickly with minimal capital investment ( as mentioned in the stimulus lacks internal capital) while preserving ownership within the family. Although franchising comes with challenges such as maintaining quality control, these can be managed with strong oversight and clear operational guidelines.

Although franchising is recommended as the best option for HD, it’s important to note that additional information, such as detailed financial forecasts for both franchising and going public—covering expected revenues, costs, and profits over the next five years—and an assessment of HD’s internal capacity to manage franchise operations, including support, training, and quality control, would have enabled a more informed decision.



·       You need not write the answer in this much length.

·       There may be other ways to structure the response to reach the goal.

·       The answer does not make use of business management tools, theories and key concepts (Change, Creativity, Ethics and Sustainability)


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